iron farm & villager trading Hub

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Hi there,

              an Iron Farm is one of the first farms you want to produce, because Iron tools are quite effective and if you plan on building farms and storage systems, you are going to need a heap of Hoppers. In this build I use a lot of Hoppers, to start off with you can just use a few Hoppers to get the Iron that is dropped by the Golems into a temporary chest in the boundary of the farm. Later, you can add the hoppers to bring the carrots in from the Carrot Farm, and once you have built the Storage System you can have the Hoppers taking the Iron through to your Storage System and remove the temporary chest.


              I have seen people mention all different distances for how close you can build a Iron Golem Farm to a village, I seen 64 Blocks, 96 Blocks and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen one say 128 Blocks and these distances are the same as the simulation distances, to be safe I would make the Iron Farm more than 128 Blocks from an existing village, failing that go and take all the beds and trade tables, villagers should just de-spawn, or you can kill the villagers for a quicker result but watch out for the Golem for that village To find villages I use a website/blog called Chunk Base, here’s a link to it (I am not affiliated with Chunk Base). You will need to put in the seed number and select the edition of Minecraft you are playing. To find the seed, go to “SETTINGS” then “GAME SETTINGS” (usually what it goes to by default) then scroll down to “SEED” and you will see the number (if it has a – in front of the number you must include it. Then you should be able to see the Version Number in the bottom right corner of the first screen when you open the game.


              The plans for this build are made for A3 paper, in an aerial view. The grid is 45 Blocks wide by 29 Blocks high, but this build would need a 31 Blocks wide by 31 Blocks high grid, so with this build the plans don’t include the top 2 rows of the build. With the levels that have some form of stone reaching the top edge of the Grid, repeat the bottom 2 rows at the top but flipped, so the bottom row is the same as the top row of the plan. This Plan uses 1 page for each level of blocks/items, in this build It is 11 levels tall. I build this with the top level at ground level, or completely underground.


              I use Polished Diorite and Polished Granite for most of the construction because I can use the pattern to ensure I line everything up perfectly. Any stone will do where I have used Cobblestone, Diorite or Granite, the placing of Glass and or other Blocks is very important around Redstone dust because Redstone dust won’t send a signal through Glass and Glass won’t cut Redstone dust lines going up or down Blocks with the edge of the Glass on the Redstone dust. The path of Redstone Dust and the positioning of the Repeaters, Levers and anything else that uses or is controlled by Redstone Signals is critical that you place it as the plans say I can’t guarantee it will work if you don’t follow the plans exactly. If you are having trouble getting it to work please email me at and put the subject as “ Help Iron Farm” I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner.

              The reason the Iron Golem Farm is 31 Blocks by 31 Blocks is with testing I found that if there is any space around the Iron Golem spawning area that has a space of 3 Blocks high, with in the total area of 31 Blocks by 31 Blocks the Golems may spawn in those spaces instead of in the designated spawning area. I also found that Golems may spawn up to 5 blocks underneath the entire build, so don’t have any spaces 3 blocks high within 5 blocks down from the bottom layer of the build inside the 31 x 31 blocks square of the farm.


              This Iron Golem Farm also has a Villager Trading Hub, I have included a Pressure Plate to activate one of the Droppers that will automatically give Carrots to the Villagers for breeding, there is also a Lever to dispense the Carrots from all 3 Droppers if you would like. With the Doors in the Villager Trading Hub they must be made of Iron, otherwise the Villagers can open the Doors themselves. It can take quite a while for a Villager to become the relevant trader to the Workstation in the cubicle, you may have to try picking up the Workstation and putting it back down again. Failing that in the worst case kill the Villager, make some more Villagers. There is a lever that will operate a piston in the centre to drop water in the trading hub to push the Villagers to the cubicles. You will need a block on top of the working tables, or the little Villagers will just jump the Workstation and escape. Once the Villager in the cubicle is an adult you can remove the block of Glass on the outer most Workstation so you can trade. The Carrots will not flow into the Droppers unless the internal Doors are closed, so build your Villager numbers up to more than 15 before opening the Doors to the cubicles. Make sure you kill off any “Nit Wits”, the Villagers in the green shirts.


              It is important to have plenty of lighting throughout the build to stop the spawning of hostile Mobs, I prefer using Pumpkin Lanterns because they are more durable than torches, however torches will work fine until you manage to make sum Pumpkin Lanterns. If you look up “which trade matches which table in Minecraft” and go to “images” you will find a number of pictures showing the different Workstations and relative Villagers.


              These Plans are only available from if for some reason you got these plans for free, please click on this link and purchase a copy, at the time of creating these plans the Price is $2.20 AUD, this helps me maintain the site and make more creations, thank you for your support.

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